Privacy Policy

We,, value our customers and their privacy is our topmostpriority. In order to protect your privacy, we make sure that all theinformation you provide us with while logging in to the online pharmacy, is encrypted. Thisinformation is used solely for the purpose of helping you make informeddecisions and to make your shopping experience with our online pharmacysmoother and better.


Personally Identifiable Information We Collect From You

·         RegistrationInformation

When you register tobe a user of any of the services provided by our online pharmacy, ForDailyDrug,you provide us with information about yourself, your company and your practices.

·         EmailInformation

We may retain thecontent of your emails, your email ID and your responses if, in any case, youchose to communicate with us via email.


How The Personally Identifiable Information We Collect From YouIs Used

The personallyidentifiable information we collect in the ways mentioned above is generallyused for improvising, managing and expanding our business activities as far aswe are concerned. As for our customers, this information is used to providethem with better customer service and providing you with information about newproducts and services that you may find useful.


The Choice To Opt Out Of Sharing Information With Our OnlinePharmacy

We provide ourcustomers with the choice to opt-out of having the personally identifiableinformation they provide us with used for any purposes that are not directlylinked to our online pharmacy, fordailydrug, at every step we ask forinformation from them.

Only if youexplicitly opt-in, will we consider you to be in the ‘’opt-in’’ category. Untila customer opts-in, he/she is considered to be in the “opt-out’’ category. Wealways make sure our customers are notified whenever their personallyidentifiable information is being collected by any third party.

The purpose ofnotifying our customers is to make sure our customers are given the requiredinformation to make an informed choice as to whether or not they wish toproceed with any services that require their personally identifiableinformation to be shared with a third party.

We send ourcustomers promotional/marketing emails and/or surface mail marketing letters tomake sure they are aware of all the services and products that our onlinepharmacy offers that they might find useful. However, they can, at any givenpoint of time chose to opt-out of receiving any such emails from our end.


What Are Cookies?

A cookie is a tinytext document that contains an anonymous unique identifier. Every time you usea website, that website asks permission from your system to store this text filein a section of your hard drive specifically designated for such files, orcookies. If your browser’s preferences allow it, each and every website youvisit can store its cookie on your hard drive. However, in order to protect theuser’s privacy, most browsers permit websites only to access the cookies thatthey have already sent to you, and not the cookies sent to you by otherwebsites.


How the Information We Collect From Cookies Is Used

We use the cookiesour website has sent your system to differentiate you from other customers. Insome cases, these cookies are also used to prevent our customers from seeingirrelevant advertisements. Cookies also help us to make sure the customers arenot required to log in more frequently than is absolutely necessary forsecurity.

Cookies, inconjunction with our server’s log files, allow us to calculate the aggregatenumber of people visiting our online pharmacy. They also give us informationabout which parts of the website are most popular and this, in turn, helps usto figure out ways and ideas to serve our customers better and provide themwith a smoother experience.

Hypertext Links On Our Website

You may find certainhypertext links to other websites on However, these are provided solely as pointersto information that may be useful for the customers of our online medicalstore. We are neither responsible for the practices employed by the websiteslinked to or from our online drug store,, nor for the information or content containedtherein.

You should keep inmind once you arrive at another website following a hyperlink that is providedby, our Privacy Policy is no longer in effect.Following that, your privacy will be governed by the Privacy Policy of that particularwebsite.

You’re Consent

When you use ouronline pharmacy, fordailydrug and any services provided therein, you consent tocollection and use of your personally identifiable information by us asdictated in this Privacy Policy.

In case we change ourpolicies or procedures, we will make sure our customers are notified and wewill post any such changes on the to make sure our customers are not kept inthe dark.

Any customer of ouronline medical store, may, at any time request to view any suchchanges or updates via surface mail or e-mail.


Notification of Changes

We may periodicallyreview and modify our Privacy Policy. In such an event, the amendments will beposted on this Privacy Statement and other places we seem necessary so ourcustomers are aware of the information we collect from them, how we use it, andunder what circumstances, if any, will it be disclosed to any third party.

We may even post anotice and notify the customers who have opted-in to receive information fromour end via email.