Famocid - 20 mg (Pepcid)

Famocid- 20mg


This drug has a generic name Famotidine, which is a histamine-2blocker drug belongs to a class of drugs called histamine-2 blockers.Famotidine starts its functioning by lowering the natural production of acid inthe stomach. It is available as various brand names like Pepcid and Famocid(Sun Pharma). Famotidine is a kind of acid reducer, which is primarilyprescribed to prevent stomach and intestinal ulcers. This medication is alsohelpful in conditions characterized by excessive acid production in the stomachlike Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. It is also given to those patients who haveastro-esophageal reflux disease or GERD and other problems in which the stomachacid flows into the esophagus and results into heartburn. It is also given forother conditions which are not listed here.



Importantinformation about Famotidine


Generally, initialsymptoms of heart attack are often misunderstood as heartburn. Seek medicalcare immediately, if you have chest pain with pain advancing to the arm orshoulder, nausea, sweating, and a general ill feeling. You should not takeFamotidine (Pepcid, Famocid), if you are allergic to it or other similarmedicines such as Ranitidine, Cimetidine, or Nizatidine. You must be advised tofollow a strict diet while taking Famotidine. Taking a proper diet is a key toproper effectiveness of this medicine.      



Beforetaking Famotidine


Before taking Famotidineacid reducing drug, take care of all the precautions mentioned above. Discussall the conditions with your doctor and clear all the doubts pertaining to thisdrug. In order to make sure that Famotidine is safe for you, tell your doctorif you have following conditions: liver or kidney disease, a personal or familyhistory of Long QT syndrome, stomach cancer, asthma, chronic pulmonaryobstructive disease (COPD), or breathing problems.  


It is not expected that it can cause any harm to yourunborn baby if taken during the pregnancy stage. Women should inform theirdoctor if they are pregnant and plan to become that before taking thismedicine. Ranitidine can pass into the breast milk and harm a nursing baby.Consult your doctor before taking this medicine in the above mentioned cases.





Take the dosage strictlyas per your doctor’s recommendation. Do not alter the dosage unless your doctoradvices you to do so. Also, do not consider this medicine in use after theprescription period is over. All medications comes with a patient leaflet, youshould refer the medicine label to get more information about the drug.Properly chew the chewable Famotidine tablet before swallowing it. It may takeup to 8 weeks to heal your ulcers.  Tell your doctor if you are notwatching any positive effect after 6 weeks of taking Famotidine. Always storethe medicine in a cool or dry place.



Note: Famotidine dosage depends on lots of factors like age,sex, drug allergies, or seriousness of the condition, your doctor may fix thedosage by examining you properly.  Strictly follow the dosage instructionprescribed by your doctor.



Whatif you miss a dose


If you miss a dose ofFamotidine, take the dose as soon as you remember. Be aware to skip the dose ifthe next dose time is almost up. Taking multiple dose can lead to excessmedicine in your body which might cause harmful conditions.    



Whatif you overdose


In case of overdose, getemergency medical help or call your doctor immediately. Overdose may causenausea, vomiting, stomach pain, or diarrhea.



Thingsand activities to avoid


Avoid or limit theconsumption of alcohol because it can worsen your condition. Also, don’t takethe other acid reducers like cimetidine, nizatidine, ranitidine, or othersunless your doctor advised you to do so. This drug may impact on your mentalabilities and can cause dizziness. You should avoid the activities that requirehigh level of attention and alertness like driving.





Some common side effectscaused by Famotidine are nausea, vomiting, dizziness, constipation, diarrhea,dry mouth, headache, muscle cramps, or joint pain. These are not the only sideeffects, there may be some others. If you experience any of these side effects,seek medical attention as soon as possible.



Interactionwith other drugs


There are many otherdrugs which can interact with Famotidine including atazanavir, itraconazole,ketoconazole, aspirin or other NSAIDs like ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac, orothers. Share all kind of medicines and other products which you may be usingwith your doctor.  Never start a new medicine unless your doctor advicesyou to do so. 


We at For Daily Medicine, deliver top pharmacy manufacturedmedicines at highly reasonable prices. If you are looking for best acid reducerdrugs, you can buy Famocid -20mg online from here without any risks.

   US Brand Name   Pepcid
   Strength   20mg
   Generic Name   Famotidine
   Manufacturer   Sun Pharma
   Pharmaceutical Form   Tablet/s

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Famocid - 20 mg (Pepcid)

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